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Sport predictions Rantanen on Colorado`s chances for a second Stanley Cup: There are a lot of hungry teams in the NHL who want to win. It will be more difficult than last season, but we are ready

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sport predictions Mikko Rantanen spoke about Colorado`s chances of winning the Stanley Cup for a second straight season.

There are a lot of good teams in the league, a lot of hungry teams that want to win. And we understand that it will not be easy.

Not many teams have won the Stanley Cup back-to-back. Therefore, this season will probably be more difficult than last, but we are ready. We still have a good team.

We have won seven of our last eight matches, so we are moving in the right direction.

Now the guys had a good rest. I hope that after the pause some hockey players will return from injury. But I like the trend that we set, " the Avalanche forward said.

Last season, Colorado won the Stanley Cup, beating Tampa Bay in the final from cricket predictions (4-2 in the series).
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